So I have arrived at day 2 in my detox. This is the day that most people say that they hit a wall, that it's the hardest and I think I understand what they mean. First off, I will finish off last night's adventure. At 6 pm on the dot, I had one cup of broth from my Collard Green Soup. The broth was actually pretty good. I'm not really one for drinking broth even when I'm sick but I made sure to drink broth first in order to convince my tummy that it was a little full before embarking on the soup. The Collard Green Soup (located in the back of the book) was a bit on the bland side but that's because you can't use salt and I didn't get super creative with spices. Then at night, I finished it up with the Inner Cleanse Nighttime Formula and some CALM, which totally knocked me out. I didn't do my shot of aloe juice because it says it's optional and should be used if you can't tolerate the Inner Cleanse, but so far so good for me. I might have some aloe tonight though because I want as many nutrients as possible.
So today! I got up early to have my colonic, which was a long trek to Santa Monica. I had a Gather Green coupon to use so it was basically free! However, this colonic was on a self-regulated machine. I know! I'd never of heard of a DIY colonic before either. It's not the most comfortable process but neither is it bad. After 40 minutes, I felt much lighter and told myself healthier as well.
So I headed into work a few minutes late and stayed perfectly on schedule. I drank my tea, Essential Greens and VegeSplash. At lunch I walked a mile to Whole Foods (getting my exercise!) and got a Giant Green juice, which is celery, parsley, apple, cucumber and mixed greens. It was fantastic and rather cooling, a total plus given that I had to walk a mile back uphill in the heat. I finished it before I made it back to work. I also took my digestive enzyme and Inner Cleanse Daytime pills.
Now for the bad stuff. Today has been hard. I'm hungry damn it! There's no other way to put it. I. Am. Hungry. However, I know this is just my brain's defense mechanism playing tricks on me. It's afraid that I've found myself in a drought or famine and will die without nourishment. However, brain, listen here, I'm getting nutrients so back the eff off! I've also found that I have a mild headache in the back of my head, a strange taste in my mouth, and I've been unnaturally sensitive. I'm serious. I got so angry about a Facebook headline that I almost started to cry...not normal behavior. So I'm trying to do some deep breathing and keep my shiz together. I've also felt some panic about money and my job in general, but I realize that these are just intensifications of my regular worries. I never make enough money and it IS time to find a new job, but there's no point in worrying in this moment now is there?
So there it is. I'm trying to remain positive and focused. I just wish that time wouldn't creep by quite so slowly. Seriously just want to go home and go to sleep and hope tomorrow is a better day. Here's to 44 hours without solid food!
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