Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Long time, no write

As always, I will start this post with a woops, it's been way too long post.  However, for the next 30 days (give or take) that will all change.  I'm going to do the 30 Day Blog Challenge which actually has nothing to do with being vegan, but rather it's about writing something every day.  So it's about to get personal up in here!

Since it is day one, I am supposed to share a recent picture, introduce myself and share 15 interesting facts about myself.  Of course the interesting part is subjective so let's do this.

This picture was taken at the Wiltern just before the band Fun. came on stage.  They are one of my all-time favorite ones and it was a great show.

So a new introduction.  I am now 28 years old.   I am still an assistant to a producer, though the more I learn about nutrition, yoga and other "hippie dippy" stuff, the more I wonder if this is the industry I want to stay in.  I may go back to school for nutrition but that is at least another year off.  Got to give myself time.  I am also a writer and avid reader.  I am engaged to a great woman and will be getting married in September.

1. I am mostly vegan.
2. I am a lesbian
3. I am at 42, 519 words as of today in my new novel.
4. I have 2 fur babies, Pinkerton and Wilco.
5. I like to cook.
6. I juice every day.
7. My VitaMix was the best gift I ever got.
8. My favorite book is the Count of the Monte Cristo.
9. My favorite movie is The Godfather.
10. A movie I will always watch if it is on is The Sweetest Thing.
11. My guilty pleasure movie is Rock Star.
12. I am the middle child within my family.
13. I have 2 Bachelor's Degrees.
14. I am allergic to corn.
15. I am getting married in September!

Ok so there you go, folks. Easy peasy.  But I assure you, it gets much more intimate as time goes on!

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